GOGO Green Organics

8 Tips For Breaking Into The CBD Industry In 2024

The CBD industry has exploded in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down. With more people using CBD products to relieve stress, anxiety, and other ailments, the demand for quality CBD goods continues to increase. 2024 is another big year for the industry; entering it now could set you up for success. Here are some tips for breaking into this booming market.

Educate Yourself on CBD Oil

Before starting a CBD business, take the time to learn about cannabidiol and its uses. Understand how CBD interacts with the body, what conditions it can help with, and the legality of CBD products. Research the different types of CBD, like isolates, full-spectrum oils, gummies, and more. Know about dosing, and key cannabinoids like CBG and THC levels. The more you know, the better positioned you’ll be to formulate quality products and educate potential customers. Make sure to emphasise CBD’s potential benefits for relaxing, relieving pain, and promoting overall wellness.

Choose Your CBD Business Model 

There are different business models to consider like producing CBD products yourself, white labelling, partnering with other brands, or opening a retail location. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach. Producing CBD may require more capital upfront for licensing, manufacturing, and lab testing but offers higher margins. White labelling lets you sell established brands’ products with less risk. Partnering could provide brand recognition. Retail stores offer face-to-face customer interactions but have high overhead costs. Choose what suits your resources and goals best.

Comply With Regulations

Regulations differ between states so research laws for where you’ll operate. Apply for licences and permits from your state department of agriculture as needed. Meet Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) regulations if producing CBD products. Ensure all CBD items have labels listing the amount of CBD, Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and other contents. Differentiate between hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD. Outsource tasks like 3rd party lab testing if needed to comply fully with regulations. Strict adherence will let customers buy from you with confidence.

Start Building Your Brand 

Develop a brand identity, website, logos, packaging, and more to establish recognition in the market. Research popular CBD keyword tags and include them naturally and cohesively throughout all brand materials. Choose colors and designs evoking relaxation for a spa-like feel where possible. Feature real customer testimonials and a blog to build trust. Stay active on social media to engage new audiences. Offer Giveaways like free samples, trial sizes, or vouchers to boost email newsletter subscribership. This following can later be converted into paying customers.

Source High-Quality CBD Ingredients 

Never compromise on ingredient quality, as it impacts effects. Directly source hemp or extracts from reputable organic farmers for raw materials. Check for certificates of analysis proving strengths and that THC levels are compliant. Go with USA-grown hemp for authenticity. Consider suppliers providing additional value through customized formulation, private labeling, and quality assurance. Look at independent lab tests and reviews too when selecting. Build long-term partnerships with ingredients providers to ensure a reliable supply.

Formulate Effective, Safe Products 

Use experience and research to generate recipe formulations optimally combining CBD with other cannabinoids, terpenes and herbal extracts. Consider the entourage effect and full-spectrum nature. Enhance absorption with fatty oils or water-soluble technologies. Ensure concentrations are accurately dosed and standardised from batch to batch. Properly package formulations safely and legally. Subject all items to third-party lab testing verifying contents and absence of moulds, solvents or heavy metals before production. This protects users and builds consumer trust.

Market Strategically

Advertise through Facebook and Google Ads along with influencer marketing. Stay active on LinkedIn and provide educational CBD content on all profiles. Get press mentions by pitching partnerships and studies. Offer affiliate programs that provide commission to wellness sites linked to your eCommerce store. Leverage CBD keywords and tags like “cannabidiol” and “hemp oil drops” for maximum awareness. Attend industry expos to generate leads. Craft landing pages, auto-responders and email campaigns to nurture registrations into buyers. Be accessible through all communication channels.

Deliver Amazing Customer Service 

Roll out speedy order processing and shipping like same-day dispatch for high-value orders. Reply to all queries within business hours and handle complaints discreetly. Make returns hassle-free, send samples and offer subscription bundles for loyalty. Surprise customers with discounts on birthdays, referrals and promotions. Provide detailed product education on your site and via live chats. Empower staff with CBD knowledge to handle any questions confidently. Monitor reviews and address any issues proactively. Going the extra mile establishes lifelong brand loyalty in this competitive market.


CBD is truly an exciting industry to join in 2024 as acceptance grows. With the right strategy and attention to regulations, sourcing, formulations, branding, marketing and customer support – as outlined in this guide – you stand a good chance of succeeding. Staying informed on market trends will also help. While competition increases, demand is projected to keep rising with more uses discovered over time. So take the initial steps now to position your business for gain in the new year. Hard work and passion can translate CBD knowledge into commercial success.

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