GOGO Green Organics

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Privacy Policy

Section 1 – Personal Data Collection

Account Only consumers that have personal accounts can make purchases from GOGO. When a consumer creates an account on our website or makes a purchase, the following personal information is collected by GOGO:

Telephone number
Email address
Home and invoice address
IP address

We also automatically receive the IP address of all the visitors, as they browse through our website. This helps us optimise the user experience and further secure our digital space from potential malicious attacks.

Purpose of Personal Data Collection

Consumers’ account-related data is collected and stored for the following purposes:

To carry out the obligations arising from any contract between GOGO and the customer, such as delivering the ordered goods, and to provide requested information regarding products and services.

Set up and manage accounts and contact customers regarding their account and/or orders, whenever needed. Confirm the client’s identity and age Identify and prevent frauds Perform market research and analysis


GOGO sends newsletters highlighting information about our stores, new products, promotions, and other updates to customers who agree to receive them. For those who express their consent, we collect the following information:

Email address

Purpose of Data Collection

The name and email address is collected to personalise emails and optimise the content that we send to our clients. At GOGO, we also sell certain gender-specific items. The collected information also helps us to customise content on the basis of gender.

Customer Service

Our customer service representatives and support staff have access to customers’ account-related information. This enables them to offer guidance and support in an effective manner.

More detail on how businesses use cookies is available at www.allaboutcookies.org

Section 2 – Consent

The consent clause that appears when customers share their personal data – name, contact number, address, and/or credit card details – with us pertains to these very reasons. At GOGO, we do not use the information collected during registration and while performing a transaction for any other purpose.

Should we need your personal data for any other purpose, such as marketing, we will explicitly ask for your consent and also give you the option to decline.

How to Withdraw Consent?

While we assure that your personal data is secured with us, you may withdraw your consent, if you change your mind afterwards (in case of opt-in consents). To do that, simply send us an email at info@gogogreenorganics.co.uk

Section 3 - Disclosure

GOGO may disclose customers’ personal information if required by the law or if they violate the Terms of Service.

Section 4 – How Long Customers’ Data Is Stored For?

At GOGO, we strongly believe in Data Minimalism. We only collect the necessary information and store it for just as long as required for the purposes stated above. The exact time retention time varies across different types of data. However, any personal data will not be stored for more than 10 years. Learn more details about data relevancy in the following sections…

Account Information

The account-related data remains relevant as long as the account exists. When an account is deleted, all the related data will be removed from our records soon. If you wish to inspect or correct stored personal data or request the removal of an account and associate data, send us an email at info@gogogreenorganics.co.uk


The data collected from consumers who give consent to receive our newsletters remains relevant as long as the customers are registered for newsletters. However, at GOGO, we perform a data relevance check on monthly basis. During this, all the registered customers who have not responses to our request are deleted from our record along with their personal information. The data of the customers that have opted-out of our newsletters is also deleted during the monthly relevance check.

Section 5 – Cookies

Cookies are small bits of information that helps us track consumers’ behaviour and their previous interactions with GOGO. The cookies are stored in the hard drive of customers’ computer and enable us to provide a more optimised, efficient, and friendly user experience.

At GOGO, we use two types of cookies…

5.1 Functional Cookies

Functional cookies, inter alia, are used to keep track of shopping carts. They are used to improve user experience and do not require permission from consumers.

5.2 Analytical Cookies

These are the cookies used for the purpose of market research and analysis. At GOGO, we use data anonymization to secure the information collected through analytical cookies. Data anonymization makes the information useless to third-parties, including hackers.

The use of analytical cookies does not require seeking permission from users.

Section 6 – Third-Party Services

At GOGO, we require certain third-party services to perform our services effectively and fulfil transactions in a timely manner. Typically, these services providers only collect, use, and disclose customer information that’s necessary for them to provide efficient services to us. However, some may have exclusive policies regarding the customer information we are entitled to provide. These primarily include payment transaction processors, such as payment gateways

We recommend our users to read third-part privacy policies to know how they will handle or use their personal information. Once you leave GOGO’s website or redirected to a third-party website, your data is no longer governed by this Privacy Policy Statement or our Terms of Service. Read on to learn about the third-parties that we use and the data they collect and process…

6.1 Web Analysis Service

GOGO’s website has an integrated component of a web analysis service with the inherent data anonymization feature. Web analysis involves the collection and analysis of data pertaining to visitors’ behaviour on a website. The data collected by a web analysis service, inter alia, include the source users come from, the webpages they visit, how often various pages are viewed, and the time visitors spend on different webpages.

Web analytics are primarily used to optimise a website and to perform a cost-benefit analysis of online advertising.

6.2 Courier Service

We use a courier service to make deliveries. In order to perform their work, the courier company requires buyers’ names and addresses.

6.3 Mailing Service

At GOGO, we use a third-part mail service to send our newsletters. This requires us to provide some information to the service provider. However, the shared information is limited and only includes the details shared by the consumers while giving the consent.

6.4 Marketing Service

We also use a third-party for marketing and communication activities. They have limited access to our consumers’ personal information. However, for security purposes, the data is mostly anonymised.

6.5 Payment Services

At GOGO, we use external payment services to complete transactions, for example to process credit card payments. This requires us to share some data with the service provider.

6.6 Google Analytics

GOGO also uses Google Analytics, which uses cookies. The information collected by these cookies are transmitted to and stored by Google, on its servers located in the US. However, anonymised IP addresses are be truncated within an EU member state or European Economic Area (EEA) state before sent to the US. Only in exceptional situations will any user’s IP address be transmitted directly to the Google servers and truncated there only.

Google uses the information collected through these cookies for evaluating a user’s activity on the website, generating website activity reports for the website operators, and efficient provision of other serviced related to website activity and internet use. Google does not associate your IP address with any other data held by them.

Users have the right to refuse these cookies from the browser settings. However, doing it may affect the user experience and limit them from accessing all features and functions of this website.

By using this website, you automatically give consent to the collection and processing of your data by Google, in the manner highlighted above. You can also disable Google’s cookies by downloading Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On. More information regarding it can be found at the Google Analytics Terms of Service and the Google Analytics Privacy Overview.


To protect submissions made on this website via internet forms, we use Google’s reCAPTCHA service. The plugin helps prevent various website functions from being (mis)used by spam bots. The plugin query includes sending the IP address of the user and any other data Google may require to provide the reCAPTCHA service. However, your IP address will be truncated an EU or EEA state and hence, is anonymised. It also involves transmitting your response and its use by Google. Google will use the information to evaluate your use of this website, on behalf of the website operators. The IP address captured by reCAPTCHA isn’t merged with any other data from Google.

This form of data collection is subjected to Google’s Data Protection Regulations. Read Google’s Privacy Policy to learn more about it.

By using the reCAPTCHA service, you agree to the collection and processing of your data by Google in the manner and for reasons discussed in this section.

Section 7 – Security

At GOGO, we follow the best practices to protect your personal information and prevent its loss, disclosure, stealing, misuse, alteration, or destruction.

Credit card information is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and stored with the AES-256 encryption. We also follow all PCI-DSS requirements and additional industry standards. However, it’s important to mention that no method of online transmission or electronic storage can be deemed 100% secure.

Account-related information is protected via a hashing method. This involves converting information into a hash to secure sensitive data that is not even visible to website owners and operators. Furthermore, our databases are strongly protected against unauthorised usage.

Additionally, user data is anonymised, wherever possible. This way, the information cannot be linked to any consumer. However, it can still be used for market research and analysis. At GOGO, we also have strict screening procedures for third-party stakeholders. All our third-party collaborators are also GDPR compliant.

Furthermore, only our employees that have specific permissions can access user data. In that case too, the access is limited to the information that is really needed to perform the task at hand. Since digital security measures need to be updated regularly, we have a security manager on board who frequently evaluates the security measures that are in place and update them whenever required.

Section 8 – Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to alter and modify this Privacy Policy statement at any time, without giving any notice. Therefore, we recommend our users to review it frequently.

Any changes and updates come into effect immediately after they are updated on the website. If any material changes are made to this policy, it is our responsibility to inform the users by updating this Privacy Policy statement.

Section 9 – Contact Details

If you have any queries or concerns regarding our privacy policy, you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Electronically (or) by phone

Send us an email to info@gogogreenorganics.co.uk or call on the phone number listed on our contact page.

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