GOGO Green Organics

Is CBD Oil Safe and Effective For Treating Anxiety In Dogs?

Cannabidiol or CBD oil has gained a lot of popularity in recent times for its potential health benefits in humans. Many dog owners have also started using CBD Pet Oil to treat anxiety and other ailments in their furry companions. However, there is still a lot unknown about the safety and efficacy of CBD oil for canine anxiety. This long-form article explores the latest research on Full Spectrum CBD Oil for dogs with anxiety. It discusses what we know about its potential risks and benefits based on scientific studies.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the many natural compounds in the hemp plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound and does not produce the “high” feeling often associated with marijuana. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains trace amounts of THC, another compound in hemp which is psychoactive. However, the THC levels in lawful hemp-derived CBD items are too low to have any intoxicating effects.

CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system which helps regulate sleep, appetite, pain and stress response. This is what gives CBD oil its potential therapeutic properties to help reduce anxiety and other issues.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Dogs? Potential Risks

While CBD is generally well-tolerated by humans and dogs alike in proper dosages, there are still some potential risks and unknown factors about CBD usage in canines that owners need to be aware of:

  • Liver toxicity: 

    As with any new supplement, there is a possibility that CBD, especially at very high doses, could potentially damage the liver over long-term use in some dogs. More research is required to establish any definitive links.

  • Interactions with other medications:

    CBD has the potential to interact adversely with medications metabolised by the liver like certain anti-seizure drugs. It is always advisable to consult your vet before giving CBD to a dog on any other prescription.

  • Under-regulation of the industry:

    Unlike FDA-approved drugs, CBD still needs to be tightly regulated. This means products may not contain the concentrations of CBD listed on labels and could contain other contaminants in rare cases. Reputable brands conducting third-party testing should be preferred.

  • Cost-benefit ratio:

    While CBD may help in some cases, it is not guaranteed that every anxious dog will respond positively to it. After consulting their veterinarian, owners should weigh the potential time, effort, and financial costs of CBD treatment against alternatives.

Does CBD Help Treat Anxiety in Dogs? Existing Research

A few recent studies have shown promising results on CBD’s anti-anxiety effects in dogs:

  • In a crossover study published in 2021 comparing CBD Massage Oil UK a prescription anxiety medication and a placebo, dogs demonstrated significantly decreased separation anxiety-related behaviour when given CBD oil.

  • A 2018 study found CBD administered to dogs with anxiety issues lowered their stress levels and calmed hyper-reactivity to stimuli compared to baseline measurements and placebo control.

  • Case studies have indicated CBD may help with noise phobias and travel anxiety in dogs when used alongside traditional behavioural modification techniques.

However, larger controlled trials over longer durations still need to be improved. The optimal CBD dosage for dogs also needs more research since it depends on many individual factors. Overall, the evidence so far is encouraging but far from conclusive in establishing CBD as an effective and reliable anti-anxiety remedy for canines.

More research Is Still Needed To Recommend CBD For Veterinary Use.

While anecdotally, many owners report that CBD helps calm their anxious pets, scientific data specifically for canines is still emerging. Most associations like the American Kennel Club recommend CBD only be used under veterinary supervision given the limited amount of research studies to date involving dogs.

The safety and efficacy of different CBD products could vary significantly based on hemp plant genetics, extraction methods, and quality controls followed by each manufacturer. For now, CBD should not be seen as a stand-alone solution or replacement for behavioural training or medications prescribed by vets to manage dog anxiety disorders.

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8 Reasons Why Your Pet Need CBD Pet Oil

Tips For Using CBD Oil Safely With Your Anxious Dog

If pet owners still wish to try CBD after discussing risks and benefits with their veterinarian, here are some tips to maximise safety:

  • Choose full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD with no artificial additives, flavours or sweeteners. Reputable brands conduct third-party lab testing.

  • Start with a very low dose (1-2 mg per 10 pounds weight) and monitor response before gradually increasing to 4-8 weeks as needed.

  • Give CBD consistently at the same times daily, preferably mixed in with food, to ensure accurate dosing and help establish a routine.

  • Watch closely for adverse reactions, such as changes in behaviour, appetite, or sickness. Stop use and consult a vet if any worrisome effects occur.

  • CBD is not a quick fix and may take 4-6 weeks for therapeutic effects to be noticeable when used alongside behavioural modification training.

  • Do not abruptly stop CBD without consulting a vet; as with any medication change a tapered approach is recommended.

Potential interaction risks and uncertainties remain about CBD usage. With appropriate precautions and oversight under a vet, it may potentially help manage canine anxiety symptoms for some dogs in the future as research provides more definitive answers. However, traditional therapies should only be replaced with medical advice. Careful consideration of a pet’s requirements is advisable before deciding to use CBD.


While preliminary research appears promising on CBD’s anti-anxiety properties for dogs, significant gaps still exist in scientific understanding about its safety and effectiveness as a treatment for canine anxiety disorders.

Larger and longer studies are required before veterinary organisations can definitively recommend CBD for this application. Given regulatory hurdles and financial constraints on animal research, conclusive proof may take several more years.

Until then, CBD should only be used under veterinary guidance on a case-to-case basis while weighing the benefits and risks for each pet. Traditional behaviour therapies and prescribed anxiety medications based on a vet’s assessment continue to be the optimal standard of care. For those considering CBD options, Gogogreen Organic offers a range of CBD Pet Oils that may be worth discussing with your veterinarian.

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